
Cater To Mom

Cater to Mom is a monthly postpartum self-care subscription for new and seasoned moms. Postpartum Depression is real and often times goes untreated. Cater to Mom provides monthly postpartum care essentials and resources to support mom postpartum and… Cater to Mom is a monthly postpartum self-care subscription for new and seasoned moms. Postpartum Depression is real and often times goes untreated. Cater to Mom provides monthly postpartum care essentials and resources to support mom postpartum and beyond. We strongly believe if mom's needs are met the whole family benefits.

Marsha Stephanson
Our Story
Hello, I’m Marsha Stephanson Founder of Cater to Mom! I started Cater to Mom out of my own frustration of feeling alone during my postpartum journey. I suffered in silence as I battled with postpartum depression and endured several challenges with… Hello, I’m Marsha Stephanson Founder of Cater to Mom! I started Cater to Mom out of my own frustration of feeling alone during my postpartum journey. I suffered in silence as I battled with postpartum depression and endured several challenges with my postpartum recovery. No one told me what to expect, I did not know who to talk to, and I truly felt alone. I strongly believe that every mother needs regular, on-going information; mental, emotional, and spiritual support; proper rest and nourishment, and, most of all, compassionate companionship and encouragement. This is why I started Cater to Mom. I wanted moms to know their not alone in their postpartum journey. Postpartum has no timeline and I am thankful for the opportunity to cater to the needs of moms postpartum and beyond.